Tariffed and non-tariffed acts

Tariffed and non-tariffed acts
In the notarial profession in France, there are two basic categories of services focused on documents prepared and drafted by notaires:

– Legal documents whose fees are established by law (property transfers, gifts, marriage contracts, etc.), and

– Legal services and documents whose fees may be freely set (legal consultations, documents excluded from the scope of the set rate category, supplemental services not covered by said legal rate).

– In the absence of the parties, their Notary or an employee of said Notary’s who is not present to represent them, our Firm charges a representation fee of €600 including VAT.
The cost of said representation in a foreign language shall be set in advance by mutual agreement with the parties.

The description of services, cost breakdown and method of calculation (hourly rate, proportional or fixed fee) are subject to the parties’ prior agreement.

Notaires’ regulated fees (émoluments) shall remain in effect until 29 February 2024.

Order of 25 February 2022 establishing regulated fees of notaires